I need to be surrounded by beautiful souls. To cure myself. … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

I need ...

I chase ...

I dream ...

I want ...

I ...

And ... i've came into a point when i maybe need to be more ... detached of myself.

In fact ... of my ego.

But ... connected with my soul.

Unfortunately ... i can't do it.

I just can't.

I want it ... but i can't.

It is like a handicap.

Psychological ... spiritual handicap.

I know it by a long time ... but maybe can't accept it.

Somehow ... i knew i needed guidance.

... from some exterior factors.

Or maybe ... souls.

And meditating ... i've came to the conclusion that ... i

simply need to be surrounded by beautiful souls.

If possible ... only beautiful souls.

But where to find such souls?!

I strongly believe we are all ... ugly inside ... and i should not even bother to search.

... cause i will not find.

And still ... i needed guidance.

I need those beautiful souls i am talking about ... to help me.

... cure my soul.

So ... that i can become similar with them.

It's weird what ... i want.

I know.

It's all too weird.

But I strongly feel that being happy... and living a non ending joy ... i must become .... a beautiful soul.

Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

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